Monthly Archives: November 2013

After Effects 12.1 adds a user scripts folder. No more admin passwords needed!

Freelancers rejoice!

Theres nothing worse than having to get the IT guy to add a script for you or perhaps unlock the Scripts folder thats located deep on your system drive.

But now with the AE 12.1 update, there is now a scripts folder located next to your prefs file.

you can reveal that directory by going to the preferences->general and clicking “Reveal Preferences in Finder.”

located in your user folder on mac…
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/12.1/Scripts

or on windows …
~\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\12.1\Scripts

place your scripts and ScriptUI folder and scripts in here and After Effects 12.1 will load them on the next launch

Now go to to get some great scripts!